I originally planned to start this article with a bit of history pertaining to the origins of this celebrated day. It’s my nerd side that sometimes I simply cannot control…. As I began researching I found that the answer to the question was a resounding—it depends on who you ask. Turns out there are various aspects, some founded in historical fact and other based on speculation, as to how we ended up with a day that celebrates love and romance. Some attribute the day to a Roman festival that, shall we say, would not be tolerated today. Others believe the day to be affiliated with the beheading of one or more individuals named Valentine who eventually became Saints. While the origins of the day are not totally clear, all tend to point to some form of sympathy and romance. Starting in the late 1300’s the concept began taking on increasing support and from there it became part of tradition. Fast forward to the 1840’s in the United States when Valentines cards began being mass produced and exchanged. Hence the birth of Hallmark and Brach’s candies. (OK, so the last sentence I just made up.) So, we celebrate love on this day, but I want you to know that your love of others is shared everyday through your support of the Food Closet and Outreach Ministries. While we do not provide cards or candies very often, you have a big impact on those who come to us for assistance. They know and feel your love every time they come. Recently we received a small online donation that had a simple note included with it. The note read: “I have never attended the mass, but you have given our family food through your food bank for the last 2 months. Thank you for taking so much stress off our hands! Praise God” I hope you all find time to celebrate with a loved one today. Let them know how much they mean to you. And if there is a little bit of nerd inside you itching to come out, go look up the origin and share it with them. I lovingly dare you!