Last week I shared some examples of people working to make a difference. This past week I experienced two more examples that I feel are worth sharing. A few weeks ago I received a phone call from a young lady asking specific questions about how to address specific needs within the homeless community. I did my best to answer her questions and did not think much more about it. When she called the second and then third time with questions about different needs within the homeless community, I had to ask why all the questions; what organization was she with? As we talked I learned she was just someone who was trying to do what she could to help those living on the streets. She was providing food as best she could and wanted to learn about various resources that would be useful for those she was encountering. It was a refreshing conversation and I hope it continues! The second was a call I recently received that started with “I got your name from …. I understand you might be able to help.” As we talked I heard the story of two brothers living in a van. One brother, confined to a wheelchair, had to move out of his caregivers house because she had experienced a stroke and could no longer care for him. Having nowhere else to go, he moved into his van. The second brother, the one I was speaking with, had been taking care of his mother who lives in a non-ADA accessible mobile home. Given his brothers’ situation, he felt the need was much greater there, so he gave up the relative comfort of his home and moved into the van with the brother. Having spoken with him multiple times now, I can tell you his selfless love is real. His request was simple. “Is there any chance you can help with a night or two at a motel? My brother is developing some bed sores and we need to get them taken care of, if even only for a short period.” Thanks to your generosity we have them in short term housing and I am working with Catholic Charities and others to see if we can find a long term solution. Please keep them in your prayers as we search for housing for them.