In the last couple of articles I mentioned that I was working with students and staff at Beaverton High School to see how we might be able to celebrate those homeless students who are graduating this school year. We were exploring two possibilities: a bar-b-que in their honor; presentation of a graduation gift basket. Unfortunately we will not be able to do the bar-b-que (but will look to see if we can make it happen next year) but we are moving forward with the gift basket idea. The student leaders of “Club Hope” are putting together a couple of samples which I hope to see soon. I will share this information as soon as I have it.
Last week I had the pleasure of providing a tour of the Food Closet to Mrs. Romero’s second grade class. What a bright and inquisitive group of students they are! While we did tour the entire pantry, most of our time was spent talking about the backpack program. Questions included:
“How do you decide which students receive the backpacks?” (We don’t make that decision—the schools do. The teachers and counselors know which families could use the help.)
“How do the backpacks get from Holy Trinity to the schools?” (Some of our incredible volunteers fill the backpacks, load them into their personal vehicles and deliver them to each of the schools. None of this could be done without them.)
“Do you use anything besides backpacks?” (Yes, some schools prefer actual grocery sacks so about half of the students receive those instead.)
“How much does each one weigh?” (Depending on the week anywhere from 13-15 pounds.)
“How many do you give out each week?” (The schools tells us each week how many they need. Typically 90—125 per week total.)
“Wow!” (Yes, Wow!)
Thanks to Mrs. Romero and her awesome students for the visit! It was great to have you come by. A BIG thank you to our teachers. Even with that short experience with the students it is clear the teachers are doing a great job of guiding the students. Your compassion, and patience, are evident.
Thanks to all of you for your support of this ministry. It all starts with you!!!