One of the many things that I truly enjoy about the Food Closet and the Outreach Ministry is meeting and talking with the multitude of people we are blessed to serve. Like you and me, each has their own rich story. Some, like you and me, prefer to keep the details to themselves; others love to share. I always find it interesting when they do. All are people, just like you and me.
Recently one of the people we were serving wanted me to know that, while he had been to many pantries over the years, Holy Trinity was the absolute best! From the environment being bright and cheerful; to the variety of food choices that are available; to the incredible volunteers who come with a smile on their face and compassion in their heart, all make a huge difference. Currently we could use a few more volunteers to help with this ministry. If you are able to stand on your feet for up to four hours at a time AND can lift up to 10 pounds AND you are available either Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday mornings between 9:30am and 1:00pm you might qualify. Please contact me for more information. Remember, the pay is HEAVENLY!!!
It has also been awhile since I mentioned the Random Angels ministry. I occasionally receive a request for something that I have no available resource for. The request might require a special talent, maybe just a little time and, yes, sometimes funding. In any case, by adding your email address to my list you will get notified when, and only when, a need arises. If you can help with that particular request you respond; if you cannot, no action is required. The idea is that you help how you can, when you can. If you are interested in becoming a Random Angel, please email me with your desire to join. I will let you know once I have added you.
Finally, we all know our beloved Deacon Brett likes to share his extraordinary wit with us from time-to-time. While I could never compete with him I thought I would share one that my granddaughter passed to me:
“Why do math books always look so sad?”
“Because they have so many problems.“