Many of you are aware that the first Friday of most months we host a dental van provided by Medical Teams International. In a typical month eight to ten people get seen by the volunteer dentist. We prefer, but do not require, an appointment be made. With services limited to fillings and extractions only, not everyone who comes can be helped. However, those who do receive help are very grateful.
The first Friday of February, the 7th, was no exception. We had an almost full appointment list. When I came in that morning I had three voicemails waiting for me with requests for additional appointments. The van was very popular in February with us ultimately serving eleven patients! That morning I also heard from someone who was calling for her husband. He was scheduled for later that morning but had a really bad cold so would need to reschedule. “No problem, we will have a van again in March, I said. Call us again in a couple of weeks when he is feeling better and we will take care of it then.” She then asked if I was the person who ran the outreach here. When I told her I was she said, “I have to tell you that your church does some really good things. We have come to the food pantry a few times and both of us have used the dental van. I know you help people sign up for the Oregon Health Plan and with getting their eyes checked. I have not found another church that does as much as yours does. You need to know you really make a difference in our lives.” I thanked her for her very kind comments and let her know how appreciated the feedback was.
Earlier in that same week I had received a newsletter from Medical Teams International in which they shared that the mobile dental program they provide is the largest of it’s kind in the USA! In the month of December alone they had conducted 74 clinics which served 577 patients. The value of the services provided at no cost to patients was over $291,000.
Being able to offer all that we do is truly a blessing; a blessing that comes about in part by your generosity and working with others. Thank you all for