Each month I receive updates on economic indicators for the Metro area and Washington County. I can’t say there were any surprises in the latest data but it solidifies what was expected. Metro area reached 14.1% unemployment while Washington County was lower at 12%. A small consolation at best.
Another non-surprising fact is that 47% of the Washington County loses came at the expense of the leisure and hospitality sector (restaurants and lodging). The catchall category of “other services” accounted for 19%. Every other category was less than 10%. The one statement that did stick out was “The latest forecast from the Oregon Office of Economic Analysis projects very high unemployment rates for the state through the rest of the year, declining to 10 percent by the end of 2022”. You read that right — 2022.
So why is all of this a big deal? The harsh reality is those hardest hit are those who can least afford it. No one is getting rich working in a restaurant or motel; most are just getting by. A long, extended recovery will have lasting impact on many, many families. We are already seeing it here at the Food Closet. There are days where the line of cars extends from the Food Closet down the parking lot toward the Parkway entrance and halfway back up again. 15-20 percent ask, “How do I do this? I have never had to seek assistance before.”
Because of the incredible support so many of you have provided we are able to make certain everyone who comes receives a substantial amount of food. We still include fresh produce, milk, eggs, meat, bread, tuna, peanut butter, rice, beans and more. Thank you!
If you, or someone you know could use a little help, please come see us. We are open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00am until 12:30pm. We have food available. For a list of other churches who are participating with the USDA food box distribution please go to
the Archdiocese website.