Every few months I get into a conversation that will include a statement like “all they need to do it get a job to improve their situation”. It is true that, for some, relying on a handout seems to be the answer. My personal experience is that those that do take this approach constitute a very small percentage of all those who need help.
While not naïve to the realities, I have the belief that we are here to serve and that God will take care of the judgement part in due time. Besides, He is so much better at it than any of us could ever be! I thought I would share a couple of recent examples that supports this and why our Outreach is so needed.
A couple of weeks ago I received a call from a single dad looking for some help. I learned that he works full time at a local big name retail store and has a young child. He was doing OK until his child began to have seizures. He missed some work to get the needed medical attention and, even though he has insurance, the co-pay requirements had maxed out his credit cards. As we talked I could hear the young child doing what so many little ones do as soon as mom or dad gets on the phone — try to get his attention. He was very patient and gently asked them to, “give daddy a couple of minutes for this important phone call”. A good dad doing all the right things but still barely hanging on. I have seen over and over again where a single life event like this one is all it takes to plunge families into homelessness. Working with other churches in the area, we were able to get him what he needed for now.
Earlier in the month, a single mom had called. She had been working, but her hours had been reduced and she could no longer make ends meet. She was able to find a new job that will provide better income and steady work. Unfortunately, training was needed and it came without much income. Again, several churches worked together to provide mom and her kids with what they needed to make it through the month. She started her new job last week and, while the next month or two will be tight, she should be able to make it.
Thank you all for the support you provide to Community Outreach. Because of you, many are getting the help they need. Please pray for these two families and all of those who are in need.