Hello, everyone. I came across a really delightful little meme the other day. It was one person’s attempt to capture the flavor of various Catholic religious orders through the lens of a cow (!), believe it or not. Silly, yes; but kind of true, too!
Trappists — You milk the cow. Make cheese. Sell it. You support a whole monastery, and its surrounding village. Praise the Lord!
Jesuits — You know the cow can do better. So you teach her how.
Salesians — You bring a bunch of kids to see the cow. They learn a lot about nature and are filled with the Holy Spirit while doing so. They end up playing soccer, and the cow scores a goal.
Opus Dei — You teach the cow to pray while she’s working.
Franciscans — You call the cow “sister,” and marvel at God’s great work in creating ruminants.
Dominicans — You write a treatise on how the cow is proof of the existence of God. Everyone marvels at it.
Carthusians — You are in one cell. The cow is in another. God is in both.
Benedictines — The cow has worked enough, already. Now let her pray.
Taizé Community — You invite horses to live with the cow, so that all can work and pray together in harmony.
Discalced Carmelites — You read mystical poetry to the cow. The cow gives the best milk ever.
Little Sisters of the Poor — You recognize that a cow never loses her dignity.