Hello, everyone. Many of you have been asking about when/if we’re going to start offering again the Precious Blood at Communion time. Let me update you.
The short answer is yes, we do plan to start offering the cup again, and soon. Our delay has been due to the need to have in place a system that ensures Communion vessels (cups and bowls) are properly purified and then washed after Mass. After all, if we’re going to offer the Precious Blood, we have an obligation to make sure it is handled with all the
reverence and respect it requires.
Since Fr. Dave, Fr. Hans, and I all need to be out on the front porch after weekend Masses, we need someone else present at each Mass who is trained to handle purification duties. Not every Communion Minister is able or willing to do this, due to health concerns and other reasons. Currently, we have sacristans in place at our 8:00am and 11:15am Masses who are trained and willing. We’re still working on the 5:30pm and 9:30am Masses, though I think we’re pretty close.
Those of you who have been waiting eagerly, I would ask you to wait just a little longer. Our plan is to start offering the cup again in September, once we have all of our Communion Ministers back from summer
vacations and all of the relevant people trained. Until then, remember that whether we receive from one Species (i.e., Host or Precious Blood) or both, we still receive Jesus, whole and entire.
Thanks for your patience, everyone. Have a great week!