Getting to better know Jesus. Like I suggested to you, I am reading the Gospel of St. Mark. We are in Lectionary Year B, which features the Gospel of St. Mark.
Because of its shortness, the Church also uses the Gospel of Luke, but right now we will continue to hear from St. Mark until the end of this liturgical year. For this reason, why not use Fall to closely read Mark’s Gospel.
Remember what I suggested –
Pretend you have never heard these stories before! And what do we do when we read them? Choose a chapter or part of a chapter and read it.
Then, use
FR. DAVE’S “3 EASY STEPS TO PRAY WITH SCRIPTURE” Begin reading scripture passage/story slowly, and listen for the parts of the story that you notice. Read it more than once, thinking about the words and all that they make you think about.
Then ask yourself 3 SIMPLE QUESTIONS – In what I’ve just read:
What am I thankful for?
What am I sorry about?
What do I ask God for OR what is God asking of me?
Each time before you read, tell Jesus you want to get to know him better. Know that I am reading with you and asking Jesus the same thing! +