What is the Good News? Could you tell me what it is? It starts with the words from one of my favorite Christmas songs.
“This little babe so few days old has come to rifle Satan's fold.” God took on human flesh and came into the enemy’s camp to wage war against our enemy to save us.
Who is our enemy? The great deceiver, remember him, in the Garden? He’s the enemy, our enemy, where it all began. Wisdom 2:24 tells us why.
"But by the envy of the devil, sin entered the world.” Wisdom 2:23 tell us why.
"For God formed us to be imperishable; the image of His own nature He made us.” Satan hates us! He would do anything to cause our destruction. The devil cannot hurt God, but he can certainly hurt us. Sin and death are the weapons and our biggest enemies, but not anymore! God came to rescue us, first in the in the form of a tiny baby in Bethlehem.
As we leave the Christmas Season let’s leave really knowing the Good News of our salvation. Easter is coming and we’ll be reminded again, but really, every Mass we celebrate what Jesus did for us on the cross, saving us from sin and death with the glorious promise of life with Him forever in heaven. That, my friends, is the "
Good News”! +