Who is St. Luke? Each Sunday we are now being immersed into the writings in Luke’s Gospel. Did you know it’s the longest gospel (third on the canonical lists), with fewer chapters but the most words!
Did you read Luke at Christmas? Luke is Mary’s Gospel with the most explicit stories about Mary. Luke was a follower of St. Paul, and he put down into words the gospel that was preached to him, and when we read it we get the benefit of it! Luke was the
“Beloved Physician” (Col 4:14). He was a gentile, not a Jew, and was a faithful and steadfast companion to St. Paul.
Did you see the movie
Paul, Apostle of Christ? If no, look for it, as it offers a moving telling of the friendship of these two men. I can tell you so much more of the facts, but I urge all of us to simply
The Church helps us. Sunday’s gospel is unique to Luke known as
Jesus’ First Sermon in Nazareth (Lk 4:14-30). Jesus offends his Jewish audience and they try to kill him...already!
“But Jesus passed through the midst of them and went away.” Read and ponder!+