Redemptive suffering, Part II. To recap,
redemptive suffering is taking our suffering and uniting it to Jesus’ suffering. When done, no suffering is wasted, because all is used for the salvation of the world.
Jesus’ sacrifice happens again every time Mass is celebrated, so what Jesus did on the cross still happens today, and will continue until the end of the world when Jesus returns. Examples of people who do this...Saints! Throughout the ages, there are examples in their lives, but we are all called to be saints.
Let me tell you about a saint named Barbara. One of our parish homebound, she calls me and asks who in our parish needs prayers. She prays for them
AND she offers her sufferings, joined with Jesus, for those that she is praying for and,
because it’s joined with Jesus, for the salvation of the world.
St. Paul said
“...and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of the body, which is the Church.” The only people in heaven are saints, so let’s be saints and try to do the same.