A recent
Pew Research study suggests that 60% of Catholics do not believe in the
True Presence in the species of bread and wine in the Eucharist. If true, that is a very big deal. The
Eucharist (holy communion) instituted by Jesus Himself at the last supper, is JESUS —
“body, blood, soul and divinity” — every time we receive. Eucharist is not an “it” but a
WHO! So let’s talk about this more deeply.
The word
transubstantiation conveys what happens during the consecration; namely, the conversion of these elements into the body and blood of Jesus Himself. The appearance doesn’t change, but the substance does. This truth is why we reserve Jesus in the tabernacle so that the sick, the homebound, the dying, can receive Jesus too. We pray with and worship Jesus in
Adoration, and at HT, can do this 24/7 in our adoration chapel. So true is our belief that we are willing to lay down our lives to protect Jesus in this
Eucharistic Bread.
The question:
Am I one of the 60%? Let’s make that answer “NO”. We believe this because Jesus told us that this is His Body and Blood and we believe Him! Let’s demonstrate by our actions, what we truly believe! Go to Mass and receive as often as we can, and take time to go to Adoration.
Jesus is waiting for us!+