As we approach Thanksgiving we can give thanks for all that we have to be grateful for. Even when things are difficult, perspective, especially when it’s God’s point of view, can give new meaning to the difficulties and trials in our life. Since we have been praying with scripture, let’s continue doing so, but let’s pray using the Gospel from the Mass on Thanksgiving.
It’s from the
Gospel of Luke (LK 17:11-19), the healing of 10 Lepers. Do you remember how the story goes? Jesus, traveling to Jerusalem, enters a village and is met by 10 lepers. They call out, “Jesus, Master! Have pity on us!”
Do you remember what He did? Jesus sent the lepers to show themselves to the priests. Why did He do that, and what happened to the lepers as they went?
You are going to have to read the story to find out. You, like the lepers, will find out what an encounter with Jesus is capable of. On this Thanksgiving, may we be reminded of the surprising generosity of our God. Let’s glorify Him thankfully with the people we love.