“It’s beginning to look a lot like Gaudete Sunday” . . . said NO ONE EVER! Yet that’s where we are, the third Sunday of Advent. So the answer to the following questions is
yes (at least for me).
Did my
“waiting in joyful hope” get up, only to become something else?
Is the pace of
“should’s and ought’s” getting in the way of some of my
’joyful hope’?
“Oh, you mean this season has something to do with Jesus?!?” (Remember, I already gave you the answer to these questions.)
That is precisely why the Church has this Third Week reminder. Gaudete means
’rejoice’, it’s almost here. Despite what I don’t get done,
JESUS IS COMING! It’s a break from purple as rose breaks in and adds the glow from what lies ahead.
From Isaiah,
“Say to those whose hearts are frightened: (Or you can substitute anything else you are feeling)
“Be strong, fear not! Here is your God! He comes with vindication; with divine recompense He comes to save YOU”!
Let all of this sink in,
and rejoice this third week of Advent. JESUS IS COMING! +