It’s Confirmation season here at Holy Trinity. Traditionally, our parish celebrates Confirmation right
before Lent, which is
right now! Our teens and adults have been preparing since Fall, and now we are 20 days away!
So let’s go back to my first question: who is YOUR Saint? If you don’t remember or haven’t thought about it, remind yourself. The reason we choose a new name is because something momentous happens, and we choose a new name to mark the occasion.
We see it in the Bible all the time, like where God renames Abraham, last week I mentioned Saul and Paul, and Jesus renames Peter “rock” and builds the church on him. Thus our Popes choose a new name too. We choose a Saint we want to be more like or that we admire. The Saint, in turn, chooses US. That’s why I asked!
Think about how your Saint has impacted your life. If they haven’t, think again. If you didn’t choose one, choose one right now, today. By the way, we don’t pray to the Saints, we ask them to
pray for US! We have a Communion of them living in Heaven living to do just that.
Let’s remember to pray for those being Confirmed this month, and while we pray for them, let’s recommit ourselves to the promises we made on our Confirmation day. Haven’t been Confirmed? It’s never too late;
email me!
The only people in Heaven are saints.
Let’s ask the Communion of Saints to pray for us to help us get there! +