Where does
Human Dignity come from? As in all things that we must be grateful for, it comes from God Himself. Remember, God said,
“Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Gen 1:26); and so He created us, male and female, in His image.
From the moment of our conception, we have been given the gift that no other created thing has been afforded. From this great gift comes all that we believe is important: that human life is sacred and the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. God, not government, has given us that, and it’s ours to uphold and defend.
Consequently, as a foundation, all
Catholic Social Teaching begins and ends here. Therefore, anything that harms, degrades, marginalizes, destroys, starves, neglects, enslaves,
(fill in your verb of choice here), what God has created and deemed
“very good” (Gen 1:31) is gravely sinful. Woe to us if we forget. That is why all the life issues take center stage and we are called to be people of life.
Read more of what the Church says here.
October is
Respect Life Month. May God help us to be people of life, defending and protecting all life from conception and birth to natural death, and all that falls in between. Amen! +