SPOILER: GOD WINS! As I write this, it is 8 days to
Election Day; less when you read this.
If you have voted, you are DONE! (We drop ours on Election Day.) But we all are still waiting. For all hell to break loose?!?
(Forgive me, but we are all thinking this aren’t we?) What is a person of faith to do?
First off, we do
OUR BEST: to vote well, to continue to pray for our country, to realize that we are not alone in what we are feeling. Then, we need to think bigger, my friends, than things of this world. Doing our best allows us to turn things over to God, who is in control even when I (we?) don’t think He is. God will do as He always does. He works His plan of salvation in our midst.
We forget that what God did on the cross means the battle has been fought and won for us. We need to stay close to Jesus, enclosed in His mercy and protection, and live as people of faith. Be aware that our family and friends are suffering the same uncertainty that we are.
I was humbled by one of the students in our school, whose class is asked to write in a prayer journal a few times a week. The prayer expresses our need for God (I’ve “translated” the photo for you all):
God, please overcome the evil. I know it is a handful, but please shine your light on the evil.
Let’s pray with the same trust and childlike urgency, asking God for help. He has heard her prayer.
Now, it’s our turn. Amen +