Merry Christmas one and all! On these darkest days of winter — at least in this hemisphere — we are given the ultimate sign of hope: our Mighty Savior has come! The one who created the universe and is the source of all life has humbled himself and come among us as a vulnerable baby.
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14)
Too often we fail to grasp the significance of His coming “among us”. Jesus came precisely to take on our human condition in its entirety, complete with disappointments, misunderstandings, temptations, and suffering. He understands us entirely and remains with us in all the ups and downs of our lives. The literal translation of “dwelt among us” is “pitched his tent with us”. Pretty remarkable! Jesus chooses to be personally involved in each of our lives, providing all we need to live generously and confidently, and preparing us for our eternal home in heaven.
May the joy of this season flood each of your hearts and homes! I continue to thank God for calling me to be a priest and to serve you here at Holy Trinity. There is nothing I would rather do! Thanks for your enthusiastic faith and all the ways you inspire me daily!
Here is our Christmas Mass Schedule:
Dec. 24th — 3:00, 5:00, and 9:00pm
Dec. 25th — 9:00am
This weekend, funeral services were held for John Lee. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.