Lots of unknowns as I write this, and as we have walked through the last 9 months! We are currently in consultation with the County Health and local Sheriff departments about possible plans for holiday gatherings. With the present spike in COVID-19 cases it’s just hard to predict what we will be able to do. Our motto here in our planning is “BOLD, but SAFE”. We are praying for guidance and working hard to come up with meaningful and appropriate events!
So, with Thanksgiving coming up in less than two weeks, here is what we are going to do. Traditionally we have a huge crowd for TG morning Mass and it is full of energy in the most positive ways. As you know we can only have a very limited number of folks in church so just cannot accommodate even a reasonable fraction of our usual folks. As a result we are doing Plan B, 2020 style. . . . . .
We invite any who wish to come on Thanksgiving to drive up to the Food Closet with any food donations (or if you wish just to come in and say hi) from 9:00-10:00am. Staff will be here to greet you and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. We will assist in unloading any food items you bring, and will give you a prayer card with a TG prayer on it you can use at your family dinner. Specific items our Food Closet is in need of for our weekly distribution: canned soups and vegetables, beans (pinto or black), pasta, and jelly.
We have also prepared a short video message that will be posted online at 9:00am TG Day. It will include a welcome from me and footage of our wonderful parish in action (school, outreach, worship), accompanied by music selections we traditionally use for our TG Mass. Then, Fr. Hans will lead us in the meal blessing. We encourage you to consider viewing this just prior to your TG dinner as a way of uniting with our parish and giving thanks to God.
This weekend the annual Catholic Campaign for Human Development collection is being taken. We have envelopes available in the entry of the church. They are actively involved with community groups to find solutions to local problems, create businesses, and to find ways to improve people’s lives. Our Social Justice Ministry has more info
in the bulletin on page five.
Blessings to Logan Bondoc and Winifred Gorman, who were baptized this weekend!
Funeral services were held this weekend for Eleanor Sterling; services are scheduled for Dan Campbell on November 16th and for Florence Niebur on November 23rd. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.