Well, here we go into a new level of restrictions. I urge each of you to do all you can to stay safe — and to not compromise living fully in the meantime!
That requires creativity, inspiration, and a willingness to look at new ways of reaching out and connecting with others. With Thanksgiving plans disrupted for just about all of us, it is even more important that we be alert and actively seeking ways to support, encourage, and engage. I urge you to see this as our MISSION during these final weeks of 2020.
And, for Thanksgiving, in case you have not heard of our Holy Trinity adaptation for this year, here it is. We will not have Mass that morning for the reason that we have no way of limiting our usual 900 participants down to the current number allowed.
Because one of the highlights of that annual Mass was the offertory procession with food items brought up to the altar for our Food Closet, we are going to continue that practice like this: between 9:00am and 10:00am on Thanksgiving morning, we invite you to come up to the parish, drive by the Food Closet where you will be met warmly by our staff, drop off food items (especially needed items: canned soups and vegetables, pinto or black beans, jelly), and receive from us a special Thanksgiving card that includes a meal blessing prayer.
We will also be
releasing a video message from the parish that morning and urge you to play that just prior to eating your Thanksgiving meal. It concludes with Fr. Hans leading us in the prayer that is on the prayer card. The prayer is also printed in
this bulletin. Happy early Thanksgiving to each of you!
Our weekly e-Newsletters are off and rolling. If you are not receiving them,
go to our homepage and sign up. Fr. Hans is our editor and has put together a really easy way to pull up the most current and relevant information from our parish including the previous week’s homily, staff reflections, and latest parish news. It comes out on Friday afternoons. Enjoy!
Blessings to Adelyn Kwan and Olivia Ornelas, who were baptized this weekend!
Funeral services were held last week for Danny Campbell, and are scheduled for Florence Niebur on November 23rd. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.