Last week I wrote about focusing on the good that I see happening around us. This week I thought maybe I could show you an example I have written about before.
I have mentioned before how our church neighbors at Beaverton Foursquare jumped at the chance to help feed hundreds of families within the Beaverton School District each week. Working together with the Oregon Food Bank, the School District, and volunteers from multiple churches and organizations within our community, we have been able to send over 500 food boxes to multiple school sites each week for most of the last couple of months. It has been uplifting to see how so many came together to help multiple neighbors in need. It has truly been a great example of God’s love in action.
With the official closing of the school year coming next week, this program will come to an end. We are, however, exploring various possibilities of a smaller, or different version, that will be sustained throughout the summer. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.
Please pray for all of those who have received food through this program that they may continue to find the support and resources they need to address their food insecurity.