Do you ever wish God would speak to you? One major way for God to do that is the Bible. Those questions we used last week to pray, help lead us to hearing God speak directly to us. Intentionally, we have started reading the Gospels together. These stories best communicate the life and wisdom of Jesus, helping us to better know Him, so
We are reading the gospel of St. Mark. Set aside time every day to read a piece of scripture, using those questions to pray with what we read. This helps us to take pieces of scripture to heart, taking it with us through the rest of our day.
Reading this way, allows God to set the pace. Read until something stops us, and then begin asking
(What am I grateful for, sorry about, and what do I ask of God or is He asking of me?)
Use a notepad to write down what you want to remember. I keep a Bible where I pray, and have an app on my phone and Kindle so I can pray anywhere!
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So far, what is your favorite part of Mark’s Gospel?+