Huge thanks to our Parish Events Ministry for all their work putting on our International Festival last weekend. What a wonderful success all the way.
This was my 12
th year participating in this event and I can testify whole heartedly that it is continuing to grow in spirt and in numbers. We were blessed with incredible weather which allowed us to overflow outside in great comfort. I loved seeing so many of our kids present, and the live music, compliments of
The B-Side, was outstanding. Well done everyone!
We have a Memorial Day tradition to have veterans bring forward the American Flag at each of our Masses followed by the playing of Taps, in honor of all our deceased, especially those who have given their lives in service to our country. Please leave your name and Mass preference at the Information Desk or call our office if you wish to assist in bringing up the flag. We often have numerous individuals assist at each Mass so the more the merrier.
This summer we will once again have a seminarian intern here. Dustin Busse will be joining us at the end of June for eight weeks. He is a native of Albany and has completed his first two years of graduate school in Rome. I look forward to introducing him to Holy Trinity!
Last week, funeral services were held for Dick Armony and for Rosie Vega. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.