Here we go into Week 3 of our Fall homily series, “Why We Should Stay”. If you have missed prior weeks, as always,
homilies are posted on our website.
This week, Deacon Brett will be describing the strength, blessing and challenge of being a part of a universal and all-encompassing faith vision. Being Catholic embraces history, the arts, science, technology, diverse cultures, and all of creation.
Additional copies of Bishop Robert Barron’s book,
Letter to a Suffering Church, are available in the entry of the church. If you have not already picked up one and read it, I encourage you to do so. He does a fine job of putting current challenges in our Catholic church into a bigger context and provides tools for moving forward in a hope-filled way. God bless all of us!
A reminder that our Wednesday evening
Grow Group (6:00-7:30pm in Fireside Room) provides a follow-up from each of our homilies with an opportunity for interaction, comments and questions. I will be leading a daytime group forum on Monday, October 21
st at 9:00am in the Fireside Room.
Funeral services were held last week for Merle Sala. May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.