Here’s my quote from last weekend’s homily:
“Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death.” The opposite is also true: “Don’t feed your faith and your doubts will thrive.”
The Holy Spirit is eager to support and inspire us in doing the things that help keep our faith strong and active. Our cooperation is necessary! Daily prayer, Bible reading, Sacraments, ongoing surrender and ongoing service to those around us are all essential pieces of a full response to the divine Friendship offered us by Jesus!
Friday, November 1
st is a holy day in honor of All Saints.
Masses will be at 8:15am, 2:15pm (with school), and 7:00pm. We are challenged and blessed by the men and women who have lived their faith with intensity and heroism. May their prayers be an ongoing part of our growth!
Last weekend in the bulletin (
which is archived on our website), we had our annual parish report which included both our financial situation as well as some stats on the vibrancy of this parish. We have two Councils that are intimately involved in all of that. Pastoral Council meets monthly to review, plan, and coordinate the “pastoral” work of the parish — worship, outreach, community events, homily series, and seasonal planning. Our chairperson is Michael Rossman and members are Maria Menor, Gary Johnson, Rosemary Schaal, Elaine Workman, Branden Pavalek, and Christina Bongen.
Administrative Council oversees our buildings, finances, and budgeting, and is chaired by Tony Lucarelli. Members are Cathie Scott, Tom Stoffel, Charmin Shiely, Leonard Vuylsteke, and Jeff Szekely. Our school has an advisory council as well to assist with the planning and operation of our school. It is chaired by Eric Hansen. Members are Chris Eddy, Vicky Ginter, Charmin Shiely, Dawn Dersham, Pam Horne, and Katie Walker. I am grateful for the support and wisdom of all three councils!