Easter continues! I hope you and your families were able to enter deeply into the Easter spirit this year, despite so many things being very, very different from the “old days”!
I am grateful for the huge response we are getting from our online Masses and reflections. Thanks for adapting — and thanks for your comments. We are continuing to explore means of connecting in the best possible ways. And, it has been fun to get comments from folks all over the country — some from former parishioners and some who were just browsing and stumbled on our Mass.
Our Pastoral Council is looking at ways we can benefit from continuing some of these practices after we are resume our in-church Masses. Your ideas are welcome
always. We had over 4,000 people login to our Easter Masses over the weekend. Impressive huh?
And, here’s one too good not to share. One of our families went out to Henry Hagg Lake on Easter morning, set up their device on a picnic table, and watched Mass overlooking the lake. Now that is a GRAND cathedral!
Please pray for Mary Alice Judy, Al Miller, and Mary Stoneman who died last week, and for their families. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.