We’ve reached the end of the Month of Mary, and this year May 31 st happens to also be Pentecost. That doesn’t happen very often. It has fallen on this day only three times in the last hundred years. It’s a big deal!
Hello, everyone! These “Corona funnies” were passed on to me by one of our illustrious fellow parishioners and gave me a good laugh (we all could use a good laugh these days!).
Here near the end of the Month of Mary we find ourselves at Ascension Sunday. Jesus’ mission to the earth has been accomplished; he returns to the Heavenly Father with great victory.
Our RCIA’ers: We are coming to the end of the Easter season. We celebrate the Feast of the Ascension this Sunday, and in a week, on the Feast of Pentecost, our new Catholics will enter the Church, finally making their sacraments as they should have at the Easter Vigil.
This month, I’m honoring the Month of Mary by revisiting Gospel stories about the Blessed Mother. John’s Gospel includes one of Jesus’ most famous miracle stories — and one of Mary’s moments to shine.
Hello everyone! Fr. Dave has been away on retreat this past week, which means all of us in the office have been sitting back, eating bonbons, and catching up on our TV talk shows and soap operas (Fr. Hans is partial to “The Young and the Restless”, after becoming disillusioned with the plot line on “Days of Our Lives”).
This month, I’m honoring the Month of Mary by revisiting the Gospel stories about the Blessed Mother. Today, Mother’s Day, it seems fitting to look at a few of them through her eyes.
What the heck just happened? We went from our normal lives to a pandemic nightmare! Unemployment was down, things seemed to be humming, and then a virus knocked the world to it’s knees.
We have been given the go-ahead from the Archbishop to resume Masses with a maximum of 25 persons at each Mass. In a parish our size this poses all kinds of challenges, so please be patient with us as we roll this out.