Caring for our brothers and sisters means caring for the home we share. Rooted in the strengths and realities of communities around the world, the Laudato Si' Action Platform equips and empowers individuals, families, and organizations in various sectors to take "decisive action, here and now" (LS 161) through comprehensive guidance, resources, and community connections. Laudato Si' calls us toward sustainability in the spirit of integral ecology. With profound care for each other, our Creator, and all creation, we can — we will — build a better future together.
The Laudato Si’ Movement Prayer Book features moving prayers from around the globe to help individuals and families experience the ecological conversion that St. Pope John Paul II first mentioned and Pope Francis echoed in Laudato Si’.
This life-changing book also represents the diversity of Laudato Si’ Movement, with its multicultural richness and representation of different branches in our Church.
The prayer book was truly a work of this global movement, with Pope Francis, religious officials, and lay people from all over the world writing prayers.
26 different countries are represented in the book's collection of 62 prayers, which are divided into 8 sections.
“The Church has a responsibility towards creation and she must assert this responsibility in the public sphere. In so doing, she must defend not only earth, water and air as gifts of creation that belong to everyone. She must. . . protect mankind from self-destruction."
—Pope Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth), no. 51
"We show our respect for the Creator by our stewardship of creation. Care for the earth is not just an Earth Day slogan, it is a requirement of our faith. We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. This environmental challenge has fundamental moral and ethical dimensions that cannot be ignored."
—USCCB, "Care for Creation"
2020 marked 50 years since the first Earth Day. It is more important than ever to make people aware of how our climate is changing. Take a look below for inspiration on how you can make Earth Day every day!
Take the Laudato Si' Pledge.
Here are 10 ways that individuals can live Laudato Si'.
And here are 10 ways that families can live Laudato Si'.
Read some stories of inspiring young environmentalists